Www. L2crash. Com c6 x15

  1. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0


    -= Server Rates =-

    - Experience:15x
    - Skill Points: 15x
    - Adena Drop: 60x
    - Item Drop: 15x
    - Spoil: 15x

    -= Enchant Rates =-

    - Safe Enchant: +3
    - Max Enchant: +16 (Weapon)
    - Max Enchant: +16 (Armor)
    - Max Enchant: +16 (jewels)

    - Enchant Rate: 68% (normal Scrolls)
    - Blessed Enchant Rate: 85%
    - Crystal Scrolls: 76%

    -= Retail-Like Systems =-

    - Auto-Learn Skills.
    - Wedding System.
    - Clan System. (lvl 8 Max)
    - Clan Hall System.
    waiting Clan Penalty.
    - Castle Siege System.
    Weight Penalty.
    - Retail-Like Olympiad System.
    - Free Sub-Class System. (3 is max)
    - Noblesse System. (you have to do the quest normally.) Or you can purchase 200 Crash Coins
    - Noblesse Skills 100% Working.
    - Hero System.
    - Hero Skills 100% Working.
    - Duel System.
    - Augmentation System.
    - Augmentation Skills 100% Working.
    - Fishing System.
    - Seven Signs.

    -1.30 Hour Buffs
    - Spawn Protection 15 seconds.
    - C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills 100% Working.
    - C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters 100% Working.
    - C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations 100% Working.

    - Raid Bosses Respawned normally.
    - Class Changing System.
    - Unstuck Command 30 seconds.

    -= Custom Features =-

    -Custom Global Gatekeeper, Including All the Custom Zones.
    - GM Shop up to B Grade.
    - NPC Buffer.
    - Gold Bar System. (.deposit | .withdraw)
    - Balanced Classes.

    11 Vasario 2013 - 08:06 / #1
  3. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Viskas atrodo lyg graziai bet tas ench reitas ant 15x man atrodo baisiai ypac blesu.
    pats nedaryciau blesu daugiau nei 75%
    11 Vasario 2013 - 13:46 / #2
  5. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Nebedarykit jūs tų C6, jmj...
    11 Vasario 2013 - 19:03 / #3
  7. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Visi turi savo skoni. Bet jei jis rimta serva ruosies daryt dar 15x tai tokie ench reitai suzlugdys serva greit
    11 Vasario 2013 - 19:33 / #4
  9. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Visu pirma cia jau servas startaves senokai, antra ne lietuviu o graiku projektas todel jis rimtas yra nera jokiu w ipe ir pan kas darosi su visais musu serveriais
    14 Vasario 2013 - 10:26 / #5