L2custom interlude pvp

Interlude private pvp server with customs items.
  1. Atsijungęs


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    Interlude (C6) PVP server with custom modifications. Server has hight rates and max lvl at start, so you dont need to level up. In server shops you can get free a grade and farm with it for better gears. You dont need buy many potions, soulshots, arrows and etc, because this items is not consumable.


    Xp 9999x.
    Sp 9999x.
    Adena (custom) 1x.
    Dropas (custom) 1x.
    PartyXp 1x.
    PartySp 1x.
    Starting level 80lv.
    Enchant rates:
    S Grade Weapons - 75%/85% Max: +21
    A Grade Weapons - 75%/85% Max: +16
    S Grade Arrmors - 75%/85% Max: +20
    A Grade Arrmors - 75%/85% Max: +8
    Blessed - 85%
    Normal - 75%
    Crystal - 100%
    Custom Weapons (Like L2Gold)
    Custom Arrmors Apella, Dynasty
    Custom Jewellery (Like L2Gold)
    Custom Tattos
    Custom Dyes
    Custom Augments
    Custom Zones
    Custom Rebirth Manager
    Custom Nobless Manager
    Custom Buffer Full buffs
    Custom Class skills
    Custom TvT Event zones
    Custom RB zones with teleporter
    Custom Sub Class
    Period 7 days.
    Every day at 18:00 GMT+2
    Only A grade gears, no customs.

    And much more.

    Some screen shots:

    Custom augments
    L2Custom Interlude PVP

    Custom dyes
    L2Custom Interlude PVP

    RaidBoss teleporter http://prntscr.com/bys0eh

    Its me =GM=Avice http://prntscr.com/bys2g4 with full items ++

    Custom TvT arena http://prntscr.com/bys4h4

    PvP Reward arena http://prntscr.com/bys5nt

    ant much more other things.

    Server start 2016-08-08 18:00 GMT+2

    17 Rugpjūčio 2016 - 22:46 / #1