L2social network

  1. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Hello dear friend,
    I'm glad to announce you our new site L2Social NetWork.
    L2Social is a social networking application that connects users with their friends and others who develop, share and play lineage2 ...
    Site is completed 98% and you can try it today.Site launch at 25-09-2016.
    == Services ==
    * L2Servers List
    * Site for Devs and Sharers like marketplace and more.
    * Page for L2Server (fan page)
    * Blog
    * Group for L2Server
    * Events for L2Servers and other
    * Forum
    * Marketplace
    * Videos / Photos
    * Hashtag # discover
    * Find Friends for L2 Clan and Other
    * Manage your profile
    * Chat with your friends unlimit spams for admins

    Website: https://www.l2social.com
    Video Preview: https://youtu.be/rh_1mbjuu_k
    Some Images: http://prntscr.com/clwc5a // http://prntscr.com/clwcd3 // http://prntscr.com/clwcjf

    We are waiting you!!!L2Social NetWork
    25 Rugsėjo 2016 - 14:08 / #1