[l2j] interlude faction l2cygnus start 2016. 11. 25 18:00 gmt+2

New season of L2Cygnus starts today!
  1. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Server will start new season 2016.11.25 18:00 +2 GMT

    Server Website - http://www.l2cygnus.com

    General server features:
    Three teams (Demons, Angels, Natures)
    One Round 35 min
    PVP types:
    1. Deathmatch (most pvp collected team wins)
    2. Castle Siege (team that holds caste at the end of map wins)
    3. Capture the Flag (team with most flags at the end of map wins)
    4. Stand your Ground (team that is occupied center most of the time wins)
    5. Raid Hunt (team with most kills of raid wins)
    6. Battle for Fort (team that captured fortress most times wins)
    7. Steal the Flag (team that steals most flags from enemy wins)

    1. Free for All (top 3 players rewarded for most kills)
    2. Capture the Flag (team that possess flag at the event end wins)
    3. Last Man Standing (last player alive wins)
    4. Team vs Team (three teams, team with most pvp wins)
    5. Zombie Invasion (players vs zombies)
    6. Survivor (choose one box, if box are unlucky you will die, players that survives all event wins)
    7. Bet Game (dice will be rolled and players have to guess which number will be rolled)
    8. Flaming Sky (players vs dragons, player with most kills wins)
    9. Lucky Chest (select a chest and get reward or die, most lucky boxes collected player wins)
    10. Grand Boss Challenge (two teams fight for random Grand Boss)

    Weekly olympiad (only B grade items allowed)
    Exp Sp Adens for killing other players or Raid Boss
    Gm Shop (Grade: B - Free; A - for adens; S - for materials)
    Npc buffer
    Buffs count: 24+4 (Divine) + self buffs; for BD and SWS 24+4 (Divine) + Songs/Dances + self
    Buffs not removed after death for players and summons and returned after cancellation
    Balancing system for teams, classes and new players
    No custom items

    Full list of features - http://www.l2cygnus.com/forum/forums/show/6.page
    Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/l2cygnus/
    25 Lapkričio 2016 - 15:46 / #1
  3. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    O faction serveras, senei matytas :). Pats norejau kurti bet nlb populerus jie.
    26 Lapkričio 2016 - 10:31 / #2