The true javalord tryskell

  1. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Hello, I am want to speak about JavaLord Tryskell, I was on discord channel about 1month. Basically, i asking a question, related to Lineage 2 nothing else, but because of that got huge hate.
    I ask Tryskell, why this channel made? he says for me asking questions.

    In Forum says:
    Discord is a mix between Teamspeak and Skype, reachable from generic application, web and phones. It can be used for fast
    chat, getting fast answers, speaking about project, etc. The use is, for now, experimental.
    Because I'm asking question everyone in channel hate me.

    I am also speaking about the project and asking him why you rename classes and move around classes, he says for a reason, but he never says real reason.
    I say to him there Gameguard who sell his client protection and I cannot edit inside .libs....
    So everyone use his pack, now need to call Gameguard and asking change inside code because is not working l2jacis, because JavaLord change class names and moving around classes, for no reason.
    JavaLord says everyone who using Smartguard and l2-script guards are idiots...
    Here picture:

    So basically he calls around +100 server admins idiots because they want to protect his server with Smartguard and l2-script guards.
    Also, about l2jacis pack shared on the internet, I report about his pack shared on the internet(l2-help), he just ignores, he not taking any action against that customer, the customer still share on the internet his pack.
    Here picture:

    But most important think, he makes fun of me, a customer who ask a question about his pack and asking help on java.
    He makes fun of me because I not good at java.
    He calls all my question asked "idiot" and make fun of me because I have image watermelon and nick Mellion.
    Here Picture:

    I respect him and never use bad word on him, never says his pack is terrible(only times I get mad but I apologize every time), but I did not say any bad word about him....
    About other discord members, I do not care what they say. I am only listen true JavaLord Tryskell.
    27 Balandžio 2017 - 14:21 / #1
  3. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Well, have you tried considering the fact that you are an idiot?
    27 Balandžio 2017 - 14:55 / #2
  5. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0 - aš apie šitą būtent :D
    27 Balandžio 2017 - 14:56 / #3
  7. Atsijungęs


    Pavadinimas: L2 žaidėjas


    Pranešimai: 727

    Vartotojo apdovanojimai: 16

    Pasikeles pimpis. Visa gyvenima po savo tuos javinukus kapstosi, nieko kito nera dares ar mates. Kaip pacioj pradzioj, dar kai acis source laisvai prieinamas buvo, pjove gryba, taip ir dabar pjauna tikriausiai.

    Prisimastes jis ten savo istatymu belekokiu. "Geriau vienas didelis commitas, negu daug mazu. Dabar visi developeriuxai vos ne pakeite viena raide commita daro ir isivaizduoja, kad ju packai yra labai sustri del didelio commitu kiekio. O as darysiu labai didelius commitus, su dideliais atnaujinimais, kad commitu kiekis kazka reikstu" - perfrazuota cia aisku, bet kazkaip panasiai jis rase pirmam poste maxcheateriuose pradedamas kurt savo ta acis. Ziuredavau as jo tuos didelius commitus. Nu klounas iki negaliu - penkiu featursu kodas suplaktas i viena vieta, dar koks bereiksmis refaktoringas, keli komentarai istrinti "DEL GERESNIO PERFORMANCO". O kai prisireiktu revertint commita del ivelto bugo - uostai kabancius ir revertini arba visus penkis nesusijusius featursus arba gyveni su bugu arba cherry-pickini su rankom isijautes. Unit testo turbut nei vieno neparases, integration testo tikriausiai irgi. Kazkas neveikia, kazkas veikia neaisku kaip ir kodel. Baisiai kietas programeris. - va, random ciuvelis, be dideliu ceremoniju gera dalyka buvo pradejes daryt. Geimplejaus daug dalyku neveikianciu (tiksliau nedaug veikianciu) yra, bet architekturiskai gerai pradetas rasyt. Susestumet keli gabesni jaunuoliai ir pasidarytumet killer pack'a is sito.
    27 Balandžio 2017 - 17:00 / #4