Hello, guys
I'm selling Interlude (c6) pack for LOW/MID/HIGH servers.
Based: on L2jfrozen (Last rev.) - each update was thoroughly checked. What I mean? I was taking all updates from frozen developers and i did mine at the same time when they were working with this pack.
Why L2jfrozen? Because when i started work with this pack it was the best choice a couple years ago.
Right now nothing left from frozen except features. I changed almost everything starting from a to z.
I made a lot of changes, updates and fixes + added my features.
All updates and fixes i did based on L2Official information (Core side and Pack side)
Some important things what i want to mention:GEODATA system:Added H5 (High five) system which works perfect + all functions from H5.
Vote system:Hopzone, topzone and l2network - Ip restriction, reward item (Config inside)
Shop:To each one(if you want) can add donate shop, symbol maker, augmenter, mammons, warehouse and work perfect (This function is more for high rates servers). For donate functions can use any an item and change prices (Config inside (functions: title color, name color, no karma, clan lvl, clan skils and etc.)
Black Market:Can choose any an item and use for black market. (Config inside)
Buffer:Schemes and Simple. Can update each buff and change option (for premium, for votes or for an item(Config inside))
Community board:Working mail system, buffer and gatekeeper.
Unique command: .menu:
If i something forgot i'll add later. Also, screenshots will be added later.
Everything you can check here:
(ON 243) „LifeDrain.Net“ - Lineage 2 gaming serversAll reported bugs will be fixed for FREE.Skype: lifedrain.net or send PM for more details.
Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 7 Gruodžio 2017 - 17:17