Lineage2 interlude pvp

Puikus PvP serveris tau!
  1. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Sveiki. Pranesu , kad L2Away startuoja jau Ketvirtadieni 18:00 GMT+2 . Kvieciame tave ir tavo draugus uzsukti i serveri! I serveri ideta nemazai pastangu , tai serveris tikrai nebus eilinis. Tik cia kokybiskas zaidimas! Serveryje subalansuotos klases , tad bus idomiau zaisti! serverio tinklapys:

    Truputis informacijos:

    Exp - 1000x/ Sp - 1000x/ Aden - 1000x/ Drop - 1x

    Enchant rates:
    Normal Scroll: 65%/Crystal 100%/ Blessed: 85%/ Safe +3/ Max +12/ Crystal +16.
    # Client - Interlude.
    # Main town - Giran.
    # Castle crown witch stat.
    # Wedding system.
    # Max buff slot - 80.
    # Max SubClass - 5.
    # Spawn potection 20s.
    # RaidBoss 5.
    # Geodata.
    # Quake system.
    # Auto Vote Reward System.
    # Don't Destroy SS/BSS.
    # Auto TvT,CTF Event.
    # Auto server restart 01:00.
    # Clan rep item.
    # Don't leave buff after death.
    # Nick color: 100,300,500,700,1000 PvP.
    # Title color: 50,100,200,350,500 PK.
    # 10 PvP- Hero aura.
    # Anti Heavy System.
    # Custom Items.
    # GM shop.
    # Pc Bang System.
    # Augmentation(11%).
    # Duel systema.
    # Interlude skill (90%).
    # Sub classes without quest.
    # Nobless without quest.
    # Npc Buffer.
    # Server have 8 achievements.
    # Alt+b - see top pvp.
    # Buffu time 2 hours.

    Custom Item:.
    # Armor: Vesper Blue.
    # Weapon: Vesper Noble.
    # Aksesuars: Wings 1/2 Lv.
    # Other: Tatto witch stat. 1/2 Lv

    # Period: 1 Week.
    # Start 16:00h GMT+2.
    # End 23:00h GMT+2.
    # Hero change every Friday 23:01.
    # After match players teleport to town.

    # .tvtjoin/.tvtleave - Join or Leave TvT Event.
    # .ctfjoin/.ctfleave - Join or Leave CTF Event.
    # .repair - Fix charachter.
    # .menu - See how much players are online and off/on your Trade/PM.
    # .rewardme - For 5 Event item you have Super Haste skill 1Lvl for 15minutes.
    # .pvpinfo - See your PvP status.

    Administracijos informacija:

    » Nick: *Admin*
    » Skype: intheend15

    28 Rugpjūčio 2013 - 16:56 / #1