TheEngo sistema,kuri kainuoja 50 EURU, aš ją parduodu už 30Litu "Account Control Panel" kurioje rasite tiek akauntų valdymo sistemą kurios pagalba žaidėjai galės susikurti akauntus, bei juos valdyti ,tiek paramos sistemą kuri padės jums surinkti pinigėlius iš žaidėju, tiek Balsavimo Sistema (ang. Vote Reward), tiek Pakvietimų Sistemą (ang. x System) kurių pagalba serveris bus reklamuojamas pačių žaidėjų.
* Account Management (Registration with Email, Activation with Serial, Password Reminder, Password Changing).
* Fully automatic credit purchase system - instant credits.
* Fully automatic vote reward system.
* Fully automatic x system.
* Contact Us form which allows players to contact Administration through the system.
* Item Shop (Sell various of item sets/packages or individual items, set custom amount and prices).
* Item Enchanter (Allows the player to enchant their gear 100% for certain price - can be set up on the configs).
* Item Augmenter (Allows the player to add an augment skill to their weapon - augment skills can be easily changed).
* Terms and Conditions page where the players must agree with the rules before using the system (helps to prevent fraud/claims on donations).
* Advanced Logs system which tracks every single players move on the system.
* Multiple server support on a single login server.
* Languages system (easy to edit language files without having to deal with code).
* Mini Anti-Proxy engine.
* Flood Protector with custom interval (default: 1sec, can be changed in configs)..
* Set up custom starting balance (credits) for new players.
* Set up custom reward for vote and x via configs.
* Custom credit price when purchasing for real money (default: 1credit - 1eur).
* Variety of payment options (PayPal, MoneyBookers, Webtopay - SMS/Bank Transfer/Pay by Cash etc..).
* Neat code (mostly based on OOP).
* Seperate SQL queries file for easy adapting to custom server packs.
* Items & Skills information stored in XML files (less workload on the server's database).
* Optimized mysql queries (reduced to the minimal - less workload on the server's database).
* Ability to use persistent connections (helps a lot to speed up and reduce CPU and RAM usage for MySQL when server is crowded).
* Newest H5 icons straight from the client (guarantee to display most if not all of the Item's/Skill's icons).
* Extra validations for every single query as well as instant feedback to the players.
* Use of jQuery and jQuery.UI libraries to enchance the system and make it more eye pleasant.
Bei daug daugiau...
Naujausia versija: 2.00
Kaina 30LT
Norint peržiūrėti sistemą : SKYPE :
fukar0P.S. Kuriems kylą abejonių, kad esu sukčius ar vagis,bandau jus apgauti,ant savo hosto aš tą sistemą paleisiu ir įrodysiu kad ją turiu ir dėl visokiu kitų jūsų nesąmonių.
Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 7 Vasario 2014 - 11:23