Sveiki parsisiunciauRin4a Buffer V1.3 Edited By Squirtle {Updated to Hi5} skirtas h5 kronikai, viska padarau kaip raso read me failiuke ir kai rasau //spawn 555 nieko, kas zinot kame bedos?
1) Find the file, scripts.cfg inside your "gameserver\data ", open it with notepad, and add this at the end of the file:
custom/555_NPCBUFFER/ after this save.
2) copy and paste the file inside scripts\custom\555_NPCBUFFER
3) Add the sql into your database
4) Add into NPC table [for gs db] (id=555 idTemplate=18544 name=Buffer serverSideName=1 title=Scheme serverSideTitle=1 class=LineageNpcEV.trap_ironcastle collision_radius=8 Collision_height=24 level=85 sex=etc type=L2npc attackrange=40 hp=5555 mp=5555 *You can just tab or null through the rest*
5) Use the command "//spawn 555" in game read me failiukas...
Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 11 Vasario 2014 - 22:35