Mob grazinimas atgal i spawn
Sveiki, reikia pagalbos del mobu. Noriu padaryti jog jei jie nubegs toli nuo savo spawn paskui zaideja bus grazinti atgal. Script isidejau, gal ne i ta vieta dedu, nes mob negali isvis daryt damage, i GS meta eror. Teleportas veikia, bet damage ne.
int mob_lock_range = Config.MOBLOCKRAGE;
if(mob_lock_range!=-1 && !npc.isInsideRadius(npc.getSpawn().getLocx(), npc.getSpawn().getLocy(), npc.getSpawn().getLocz(), mob_lock_range, true, false))
npc.teleToLocation(npc.getSpawn().getLocx(), npc.getSpawn().getLocy(), npc.getSpawn().getLocz(), 0);
SI script buvau isidejes i thinkAttack() voida.
protected void thinkAttack()
final L2Attackable npc = getActiveChar();
if (npc.isCastingNow())
L2Character attackTarget = (L2Character) getTarget();
// If target doesn't exist, is dead or if timeout is expired (non-aggro mobs or mobs which are too far stop to attack)
if (attackTarget == null || attackTarget.isAlikeDead() || (_attackTimeout < GameTimeController.getGameTicks() && (!npc.isAggressive() || Math.sqrt(npc.getPlanDistanceSq(attackTarget.getX(), attackTarget.getY())) > npc.getAggroRange() * 2)))
// Stop hating this target after the attack timeout or if target is dead
if (attackTarget != null)
// Search the nearest target. If a target is found, continue regular process, else drop angry behavior.
attackTarget = targetReconsider(npc.getAggroRange(), false);
if (attackTarget == null)
final int actorCollision = npc.getTemplate().getCollisionRadius();
* Handle agression behavior towards monsters of same faction.
final String[] actorClans = npc.getClans();
if (actorClans != null)
for (L2Npc called : npc.getKnownList().getKnownTypeInRadius(L2Npc.class, npc.getClanRange()))
// Caller clan doesn't correspond to the called clan.
if (!Util.contains(actorClans, called.getClans()))
// Called mob doesnt care about that type of caller id (the bitch !).
if (Util.contains(called.getIgnoredIds(), npc.getNpcId()))
// Check if the L2Object is inside the Faction Range of the actor
if (called.hasAI() && GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(npc, called) && npc.getAttackByList().contains(attackTarget) && (called.getAI()._intention == CtrlIntention.IDLE || called.getAI()._intention == CtrlIntention.ACTIVE))
if (attackTarget instanceof L2Playable)
List<Quest> quests = called.getTemplate().getEventQuests(QuestEventType.ON_FACTION_CALL);
if (quests != null)
L2PcInstance player = attackTarget.getActingPlayer();
boolean isSummon = attackTarget instanceof L2Summon;
for (Quest quest : quests)
quest.notifyFactionCall(called, npc, player, isSummon);
else if (called instanceof L2Attackable && called.getAI()._intention != CtrlIntention.ATTACK)
((L2Attackable) called).addDamageHate(attackTarget, 0, npc.getHating(attackTarget));
called.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.ATTACK, attackTarget);
// Corpse AIs, as AI scripts, are stopped here.
if (npc.isCoreAIDisabled())
* Chaos time for RB/minions.
if (npc.isRaid() || npc.isRaidMinion())
if (npc instanceof L2RaidBossInstance && _chaostime > Config.RAID_CHAOS_TIME && (Rnd.get(100) <= 100 - (npc.getCurrentHp() * ((((L2MonsterInstance) npc).hasMinions()) ? 200 : 100) / npc.getMaxHp())))
attackTarget = aggroReconsider(attackTarget);
_chaostime = 0;
else if (npc instanceof L2GrandBossInstance && _chaostime > Config.GRAND_CHAOS_TIME)
double chaosRate = 100 - (npc.getCurrentHp() * 300 / npc.getMaxHp());
if ((chaosRate <= 10 && Rnd.get(100) <= 10) || (chaosRate > 10 && Rnd.get(100) <= chaosRate))
attackTarget = aggroReconsider(attackTarget);
_chaostime = 0;
else if (_chaostime > Config.MINION_CHAOS_TIME && (Rnd.get(100) <= 100 - (npc.getCurrentHp() * 200 / npc.getMaxHp())))
attackTarget = aggroReconsider(attackTarget);
_chaostime = 0;
Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 14 Spalio 2014 - 17:00
14 Spalio 2014 - 16:59 /
Suklydau mobu damage veikia. Neveikia riadbossu minions . Isvis nepuola jie, stovi kaip prikalti
14 Spalio 2014 - 17:19 /
as deciau tarp
* Reduce the current HP of the L2Attackable, update its _aggroList and launch the doDie Task if necessary.
* @param attacker The L2Character who attacks
* @param awake The awake state (If True : stop sleeping)
public void reduceCurrentHp(double damage, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, boolean isDOT, L2Skill skill)
if (this instanceof L2MonsterInstance)
final L2Attackable npc = this;
int mob_lock_range = Config.MOBLOCKRAGE;
if(mob_lock_range!=-1 &&
!npc.isInsideRadius(npc.getSpawn().getLocx(), npc.getSpawn().getLocy(), npc.getSpawn().getLocz(), mob_lock_range, true, false))
npc.teleToLocation(npc.getSpawn().getLocx(), npc.getSpawn().getLocy(), npc.getSpawn().getLocz(), 0);
L2MonsterInstance master = (L2MonsterInstance) this;
if (master.hasMinions())
master.getMinionList().onAssist(this, attacker);
master = master.getLeader();
if (master != null && master.hasMinions())
master.getMinionList().onAssist(this, attacker);
14 Spalio 2014 - 19:00 /
Viskas butu gerai, bet jis isijungia tik kai as trenkiu i mob.
14 Spalio 2014 - 19:36 /
aj, tai tada su situo zaiskis, manyciau. tik nepamirsk patikros del l2monster tipo :D
protected void moveToLocation(int x, int y, int z, int offset)
if (isAttackingNow())
super.moveToLocation(x, y, z, offset);
14 Spalio 2014 - 21:46 /
Mmission imposible man cia :D Su override neidedu net scripto niekur, error gaunu. Toki pasidariau, bet naudos irgi 0, nes nezinau kur ikelt.
protected void checkAndReturnToSpawn()
final L2Attackable npc = getActiveChar();
int rb_lock_range = Config.RBLOCKRAGE;
if (npc.isDead() || npc.isMovementDisabled())
if(!npc.isInsideRadius(npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ(), rb_lock_range, true, false))
npc.teleToLocation(npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ(), 0);
Gal pas pasakytumet kokia ovorride nauda javoje? Angliskai ziurejau bet, kaskaip nedaejo.
14 Spalio 2014 - 22:51 /
cia ne skriptas, cia funcija/metodas l2attackable klasej ;D tarp jo tau reikia isimest ta koda, kad kai mobas kuris ruosis kazkur judet nukeliautu i spawna. o del override bijau pameluot, bet susije su klasiu paveldimumu. tai reiskia kad vienai klasei abstract/interface tipam extendinant/implementinant persiduoda metodas, o esme tame, kad pagrindinei klasei pasaukus metoda sureguos ir kitos, zinoma, jei neklystu :D
15 Spalio 2014 - 18:51 /
Ok. Dekui uz pagalba. Meginsiu :D
15 Spalio 2014 - 18:54 /
Blemba meta erorr. Sitaip isidejau.
protected void moveToLocation(int x, int y, int z, int offset)
int mob_lock_range = Config.MOBLOCKRAGE;
if(this instanceof L2MonsterInstance && mob_lock_range!=-1 && !isInsideRadius(getSpawn().getLocx(), getSpawn().getLocy(), getSpawn().getLocz(), mob_lock_range, true, false))
teleToLocation(getSpawn().getLocx(), getSpawn().getLocy(), getSpawn().getLocz(), 0);
if (isAttackingNow())
super.moveToLocation(x, y, z, offset);
Va erorr photo
Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 15 Spalio 2014 - 21:31
15 Spalio 2014 - 21:21 /
o, kad zinociau, kelintoj eilutej ten pas tave koks kodas, bet galiu tik spet, gali but, kad getSpawn() yra null arba this yra null. betkokiu atveju tikrint reiktu getSpawn() != null && this != null
15 Spalio 2014 - 22:17 /