Paysera ismeta po apmokejimo sita error
Some of the fields contain fobidden symbols.
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sitas kodas atsako uz ta error) cia ira engo systema
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try {
$response = WebToPay::checkResponse($_GET, array(
'projectid' => $settings['payseraProjectId'],
'sign_password' => $settings['payseraProjectPassword'],
if ($response['test'] !== '0') {
throw new Exception("Testing, real payment was not made");
if (!!!$settings['enablePayseraPayment'])
exit("Paysera payment option is disabled.");
$order = $response['orderid'];
$amount = $response['amount'];
if (!$validate->blank(@$order))
exit("Missing some details.");
else if (!$validate->numeric($order))
exit("Some of the fields contain fobidden symbols.");
$paymentData = $mysqlClientLoginServer->select("SELECT * FROM `acp_payments` WHERE `id` = ? AND `status` = 0 ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;",array($order));
if (!$paymentData)
exit("There's no outstanding order with such ID.");
if ($paymentData['amount'] != number_format($amount/100,2))
exit("The money sent does not match the order amount.");
$player['account'] = $paymentData['account'];
$mysqlClientLoginServer->execute("UPDATE `acp_payments` SET `status` = 2 WHERE `id` = ?;",array($order));
$log->add("Purchased ".sprintf('%0.2f',$paymentData['reward'])."¢ for ".sprintf('%0.2f',$paymentData['amount'])." EUR through Paysera(, thank you.");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage();