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  1. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Visa platforma stovi ant L2jAcis 370 revision.

    Update 1:

    Update 2:
    Missing Multisells.
    Fixed on the water.
    Fixed Nurse now can heal QA Boss.
    Fixed mistakes on Newbies Helper Manager.
    Removed color name for new characters.
    Special Effect in npcs.
    Augments stats on passives skills.
    New htmls on npcs. Thanks to [protoftw]
    NPC Services. [Change password, get Nobless, Change your name, change your class and etc].
    Added new config file. Options:
    1. Party teleporter items/amount.
    2. Services Npc items/amount.
    3. Clan Manager items/amount.
    Added Password Changer.
    You can get Noble status by killing Barakiel without Quest.

    Update 3:
    Multisell Bug Fixed
    Trade Check in Combat(if player is in combat cant trade anyone now)
    Adena visual double icon (Fixed)

    Added acumen buff
    Ranks Update Every Day
    reuse skills after match Skills over 15min timer
    fixed messages when players is registered

    Sieges Now Is Configurable (
    Antibow/AntiHeavy Protection Added
    Config to allow players to teleport into Boss Zones Without Quest
    Community Board Repair (Clean up And Fixed Bypass)
    Ranking Manager Clean Up
    Added Custom Spawnlist In
    Height on special npcs.
    Mistake on RB Spawn Manager.
    Removed Auto Pots [CP/MP/HP].

    Update 4:
    Newbies NPC - Level Up Button fixed. [Now works for any level but not for subclass].
    Syntax configs fixed.
    Added Starting system. [Zones preview]
    Added Infinity SS/Arrow. [1 SS/BSS/ARROW]
    Karma/Flag player can not use buffer. [With config].
    Removed some useless lines/methods.
    Starting Items Fixed.
    Pvp reward items Fixed.
    Added/Removed some things for TvT Event.
    - Root & Root effect [until fight start]

    - Players is sitting [until fight start]

    - Fixed Syntax errors with Reward.

    Update 5:
    AIO System (+ time)
    You can give them AIO status from admin command and from item.
    VIP System (+ time)
    You can give them AIO status from admin command and from item.
    Starting system fixed
    If players close the window and make restart/exit game, system will restore the previous checkpoint.
    Pets attack fixed
    Donate Multi Shop
    - What's inside?

    Noblesse Status
    Level up your clan
    Add x Reputation score
    Get full clan skills
    Augment Skills Lv10. [Active/Passive]
    Clean x Pk Kills
    Change your sex
    Change your password
    Get full Recomments
    Siege Register
    Register your clan for sieges.
    Change your name color.
    Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Gold
    Change your character name
    Enchant your items to max
    Party Teleport
    Go to your party member.
    Teleport Restrictions:
    Sieges, Olympiad, Events, Party Rift, jail, Duel, ObserverMode(oly), Non-Party members.

    Cleaned many methods/lines.
    Pvp/pk player can not use Buffer/Teleport
    Q386_StolenDignity & updated Q384_WarehouseKeepersPastime
    Saga's Quests
    Thanks to Scrapy for quests.

    Update 6:
    Added forgotten HTML folder for bot prevedion.
    Added Grady Penalty with config.
    Removed some aggro and clan from monsters on MOS.
    Removed Anti-Buff shield from characters. [Works with Enabled/Disabled on .menu]
    Fixed Flagzone. Now flag stay after hit inside of zone. [it is not in diff file. Will be fixed by adding the new l2jserver.jar]
    Added Primeval Island as pvp zone. [it is not in diff file. Just copy/paste our Flagzone.xml from data/xml/zones]
    Added time for new players Fireworks.
    Disarm the main armor after Subclass.
    Added Max enchant for Weapon/Armor with Crystal Scrolls.

    Update 7:
    Skipping_items works fine now.
    You can add Item Ids to remove it from any mob droplist.
    Removed heavy armors for archers/daggers in Startup System.
    Archers/Daggers can not see anymore heavy armors in startup.
    Removed the bug on Multi Shop. (If you got color, after restart player will lost again the price of Donate Coins).
    From now olympiad period ends every 1st and 15th day of month.
    Changed the Olympiad announce. Now you will get the info with other way onEnter.
    Added a new style of info.
    Added reminder message for votes.
    Player will get Pm to remind him to vote.
    Added new XML file with all GrandBosses inside.
    All GrandBosses in this XML file are in they original spawn.
    Added all GrandBosses to original they spawn location.
    I removed the old GrandBosses.Now you can find all GrandBosses in original location.
    Also, New GrandBosses are with type and now the players will get Announce for every respawn.
    Respawn time of GrandBosses 72Hours+24Hours Random respawn.
    You can change the time as you wish. [Navicat --> raidboss_spawnlist table]
    Barakiel's noblesse status fixed.
    Reworked sieges.
    Now the doors in TvT Event are closed.
    Reworked Boss Status Manager.
    Removed GrandBoss List from npc.
    Added new command [ .epic ] You can see the status of GrandBoss.
    Players can see the status of grandbosses. If are alive or dead.
    Fixed the problem with subclasses height problem.
    Added Geodata link. Now you will run your server with ready Geodata files.
    Cleaned our customs mods. (Better writing style).
    Deleded/Added some info on Augmentions HTML.
    Fixed some problems on moving around.
    (Somehow if you make much clicks on moving, you will stuck).
    Removed some useless multisell.
    Fixed the "warning" about BadReuestBypassToServer when you add/change subclass.
    Added Disarm weapons & main part of armor when you add/change subclass.
    Boss Status NPC
    GrandBoss Status [ .epic ] command

    Update 8:
    Clean up configs.
    Reworked Multi Shop
    Removed D/C Grade check for Enchants on Multi Shop
    Reworked Buffer.
    Added hitTime on buff effects & message info for every buff
    Reworked gameserver console.
    Added Olympaid Info on Gameserver console.
    Added forgotten lines on SiegeManager.
    Added NPCs style like characters.
    Added PvP Info in Die.
    Show enemy's CP/HP.
    Removed check for /unstuck & SOE on GrandBoss zone.
    Fixed some problems with Augments on Multi Shop.

    Update 9:
    Offlineshop problems with save.
    Sieges forgotten lines about the date.
    The freezing of Fake NPCs.
    Now can move, make actions etc.
    Added respawn location after death.
    Please check the spawnlist.sql of Diff file to know what you have to do in if you do not install new database.
    You can find it in config/customs/customs.proeprties
    Added spawn location for /unstuck SOE/BSOE
    ​You can find it in config/customs/customs.proeprties
    Added some respawn delay for mobs.
    Some problems with Duel. (added some checks etc)
    Forgotten HTML for MultiShop.
    Added teleport to Clan members in MultiShop.

    Update 10:
    Enchants has been moved to xml part.
    You will find the new enchants on folder
    Startup fixes/add:
    Fixed the mistake when players make restart, he can see again the heavy armors(for light classes).
    From now, Archers/Daggers they can see only Dagger/Bow weapon. Tcenzura to Celestine for idea.
    Some rework on preview mode. (Removed useless lines).
    Multi Shop Manager:
    Added chnage base class. Now you can change yoru main class. [More like test mod for any bugs].
    Removed all the prices of donate coins and moved to configs. Now you can change the price from configs.
    Removed the same check for Donate Coin. [Now there is only 1 item for all of actions]
    Players cannot change/add subclass while is in flag mode.
    New droplist view design for mobs.
    Works with target on mob and type .drop

    Update 11:
    TvT Event configs moved from to customs/configs/
    In case of your changes, just get your old lines of and paste it in
    Startup changes:
    Removed SpecialCamera from observer.
    Dark Crystal Heavy removed from heavy armors list.
    Players in combat cannot change/add subclass.
    Disarm weapons on add/change subclass & on 3rd class on classmaster.
    Now daggers/archers players can not equip heavy armor with second class because the weapon will be disarm in 3rd class. [it was a bug]
    Fixed TvT Event errors in every restart/shutdown of server.
    Reworked FlagZone.
    Now players can not loose pvpflag inside of pvpzone when they use party/clan buffs/cp. Let me know if the problem Isn't fix.
    Fixed Overpower of Frenzy skill.
    Cleanup some methods with less lines.
    Fixed the stuck on stairs when you move your player with fast clicks. [Not always a problem. But It was a problem].

    Update 12:
    Fixed Bug trade.
    Added Hero & Castle Lord announce.
    Announce the player name for hero or Castle lord on login.
    PvP/Pk Title Prefix.
    Title with count of pvp/pk. Ex: [50] | [50]
    Added Pin Code.
    If the player choose to secure his character, then for every login the system will ask for the Pin code.
    Auction Shop.
    Players can sell Items with adena in NPC.
    Olympiad Protection.
    For players with same IP, every battle will be Tie.
    PvP Change Zone.
    A random pvp change zone with every x time.
    Cleanup Anti Bow system.

    Update 13:
    Added Frintezza script.
    VIP/AIO system
    Reworked the vip/aio character and added some restrictions in the town.
    Adena config for new characters moved to StartingItems on
    StartingItems = 728,20;1539,20;736,20;57,50000000;
    added some missing skills.
    Pin Code
    Fixed some mistakes on player enter..
    (I forgot to check the player actions).
    Bug double shot on archers fixed.
    Cleanup all custom configs. [better organization]
    Cleanup some useless lines.
    Bot Protection
    Fixed the teleport back to town if the player miss the correct color.

    Update 14:
    Added Repair system
    You can repair your character by using Community Board.
    VIP system
    Removed the old vip system and added new.
    Noblesse item Fixed
    Wrong check if you're already a noblesse.
    Random pvp zone
    Fixed the second announce in a row.
    Vote System
    Removed the old vote system and added new.
    Afk System
    Afk players cannot be rewarded on every auto vote reward. (1 hour without any action)
    Added limit level with config for ChatAll.
    Cleanup the useless checks for items. All moved to configs.
    Added Vip buttons for 7/15/30 Days
    Fixed the error about MarketTable when gameserver loaded
    Added hero item with time [Value for days]
    Changed the announce for TvT Event.
    Community board (New style with statistics)
    NPCs xml reorganization
    All customs NPCs moved to CustomNpcs.xml
    Added new Gatekeeper
    Removed the old 50000-50999, 70000-70099.xml
    NPCs new design.

    Update 15:
    Fixed Votereward spam.
    Fixed the movement bug with some skills like snipe. Ty boicho for report long time ago.
    Random PvP Zone:
    Fixed the respawn point. Now you can set the respawn point on xml/zones.
    Everything moved to config RandomPvPZone. You can add your zones loc there.
    Fixed the drop info page when you click in any npc.
    Fixed wrong weapons on startup system.
    MultiNpc Manager:
    Fixed the mess with Pages. Now you can create as much pages you want.
    Fixed the bypass exploit.
    All moved to MultiNpc instance.
    Reorganization data folders:
    accessLevels.xml & adminCommands.xml has moved to folder admin inside of data/xml.
    fake_pcs.xml has moved to folder fakepcs inside of data/xml.
    skipping_drop has moved to folder skipdrop inside of data/xml.
    CommandList config:
    Game commands moved to commandList config. Set True or False.
    .secure | .removecode | .menu | .epic | .tvtjoin/leave/status | .online
    In revision 23 the grandbosses was like Raidbosses. Now all Grandbosses are normally Grandboss type. All grandboss quests is working and frintezza except zaken).
    New .epic style. [show all alive/dead/sleep grandbosses]
    New .secure | .removecode command.
    Announce the Grandboss status when is spawned/engage in battle or dead.
    Sieges date configured for every week.
    5 Sieges Saturday and 4 Sieges Sunday.

    Update 16:
    I make a cleanup for many custom mods inside of the project.
    It is better to cleanup the project and then we can add more mods inside.
    In next rev(maybe in next days), I will make more cleanup and organization some folders.
    Some of those in this rev:
    RequestBypassToServer(For our lines)
    Player(For our lines).

    Fixed the problem with Buffer. Now you can save your buffs.
    Fixed the wrongs words on PinCode html.
    Fixed the problem with leave party of TvTEvent.

    Update 17:
    Fixed Heal Raidboss/Grandboss/Monsters (I made mistake in a previous revision)
    Fixed the update pvp flag on random zone. Now the flag do not disappears.
    Fixed the olympiad classes view/observer for tvt registration players.
    Fixed the issues with Random zone like "In every teleport, the players was in different location".
    Fixed the double value of starting items for every new char in same account.
    - The problem was that, a player if create a new player in same account, then he get twice the reward. From 20 to 40.
    Fixed a small thing for Karma Flag Players in configs.
    Fixed the Scheme Buffer. Now you can save your buffs. (I made mistake in previous rev).
    Fixed the problem with Chant of Victory | Chant of Magnus | Prophecy of Water/Wind/Fire.
    Fixed the problem with Full HP Recover in pvp on some hero weps.
    Fixed the announce in tvt event for commands. If config for commands it's false, will say only the register time.
    Fixed the missing items from NewbiesNpc.

    Added Clan Item. Double click and the clan will get x rep score.

    Added new .menu design
    Added new Items with Special Icons:

    Update 18:
    Added new TvT Event
    Added DM Event
    Added Lucky Chests Event
    Added Last Man Standing Event
    Added Capture The Flag Event
    Added Npcs view tutorial for new characters.
    Added Different New Players Spawn with 3 options for Random spawn.
    Added .repair command.
    Olympiad changes:
    Added Oly Items Restriction & Items Grade Restriction.
    Players with same IP, the match will be aborted.
    Option in x seconds to restore the life of the players before start the match.
    Added all kind of Buffs (No malaria etc) in Buffer.
    New .menu Design.
    Added CP/HP/MP Potion Auto Click.

    Update 19:
    OfflineTradersTable file renamed to OfflineStoresData.
    Rework the OfflineStoresData. Better writing.
    Rework the rest parts of Offline stores code.
    Added .offline command. Type .offline for offlinestore.
    AIO System:
    AdminAio file renamed to AdminSetAio.
    Rework the AdminSetAio. Changed things for messages on player.
    Changed the message onEnter for AIO Player. Now you can see the Date like 1-1-2017 and not for hours & minutes.
    Removed the options for color name & title.
    Cleanup the AIOItem file.
    Added .aio command.
    Added personal AIO menu.
    Removed the disarm weapon on player login.
    Fixed the Update SA on weapon on player login.
    Added emotions on chat for words of your choice like "hi,hello,bye and etc.
    Added restrictions for bad words of your choice like "fuck, l2blabla and etc. Words will be repalced with (***)
    Startup System:
    NewbiesSystemManager renamed to StartupManager.
    Cleanup the StartupManager file.
    Fixed the problem with light armors for Dagger/Archer classes.
    Added Nightmare Leather Armor.
    Added Casino Manager.

    Dėl pako rašom į skypę (id - skyeldor). Šiaip daug skaityti ką įdėjau čia, bet jei turit laiko paskaitykit - nepakenks. Labai daug modifikaciju, frozenas didžiosios dalies net neturi ir panašiai. Norinties acis, bet turintiems problemų su java - saldainis!
    15 Spalio 2017 - 00:01 / #1
  3. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    [15/10/2017 22:30:40] Deivis: acis pack parduodi ar free?
    [15/10/2017 22:30:49] Edwin Skyeldor: Parduodu
    [15/10/2017 22:30:56] Deivis: kokia kaina
    [15/10/2017 22:31:05] Edwin Skyeldor: 30e
    [15/10/2017 22:31:54 | Pakeitė 22:31:57] Edwin Skyeldor: Ir tuo pačiu bus visi nauji atnaujinimai nemokami
    [15/10/2017 22:58:15] Deivis: o kas juos naujina ?
    [15/10/2017 22:58:41] Edwin Skyeldor: Kalbant apie visus modus, tai aš, jei kalbant apie rev naujesnius, gaunu juos privačiai

    sekmes pardavime
    16 Spalio 2017 - 12:59 / #2
  5. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Dėkui, tik problema ta, kad networke ant senesio revo viskas. O kad pasharinta yra tai nieko keisto.
    16 Spalio 2017 - 14:11 / #3
  7. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    Ir dar tas tavo share yra su 350 revu plius vieni iš pirmų projektu.
    16 Spalio 2017 - 14:48 / #4
  9. Atsijungęs


    Pranešimai: 0

    uoj blet pistukai... stai paskutinis revas 28 is l2j network.

    plius as ji cia idejau pries savaite i weba, bet matau adminai miega ir nepatvirtina
    Paskutinį kartą redagavo: wongerlt 16 Spalio 2017 - 17:23
    16 Spalio 2017 - 17:22 / #5