I coded something to sell it but i realized it's been a lot of days since i shared my last code so i will share it. Don't get tricked by the title. This is not a regular account manager. It is the more secure and unique account manager.
Why? This npc has EVERYTHING related to an account.
Let me explain it's functionality. As long as you log ingame a html will pop up after 20 seconds and it will ask you to enter your email address. You can either close it or enter your valid address. As long as you do add it then you will be able to use the account manager npc. There are 6 options on the npc. Let me explain how they work.
Change Password: If you press this the system will send you and email with a 4-digit code which you will be asked to add on a textbox. If the code is correct you just add twice the same new pass and the pass will change. Add Security Question: If you press this an html will pop up and it will ask you do answer a secret question. Default is what is your maiden mother's name. Forgot Security Question: If you press this the system will send you to your email the secret question you have submitted. Change Security Question: If you press this the system will send to your email a 4-digit code and and html will ask you to add the code in a textbox. If the code is correct you are able to change your security answer. Change email address: If you press this the system will send to your email a 4-digit code and and html will ask you to add it in a textbox. If the code is correct then you are able to change your email address. Forgot my Password: *ATTENTION* This option is not related with the current account but can be used in general with any char. If you forgot your password you can log with any change and press it. The system will ask you to add your account's name, a character's name and the same character's security answer. If they are correct the system will reset that account's password and they will send the new password to the email that the account had submitted.
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Emails that i had sent by the system during that video: