Hello dear users, so I want to show our Interlude PvP Custom server. This server has good class balance, many beutiful zones, unique NPC, unique Gameplay, and many many pvp's. And this server starting 2012 - 06 - 22 it is tommorow 18h gmt+2 Lithuanian time. So if you want to try it, please visit us on : http://www.l2qua.com
Server special commands:
.menu .rewardme (buff for vote coins) .pvpinfo (character pvp information) .castlemanager (Castle siege registration) .vote_tvt .vote_ctf .sms (write sms to someone) .read (read sms) .sellbuffs (sell buffs to other players)
Castle War Poloponnesian War Castle War Team versus Team Death Match Treasure Chest Protect The Lord CTF
Special Coins:
Clan reputation coin (adds 1000 clan reputation) Donator Coin (2.5x Better drop, special chat with ~) Raid Coins (Special coin from Raid Bosses) PvP Coin (Special coin from every PvP/Pk)