L2-qua tomorow ! 2013-07-05 !

  1. Atsijungęs


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    L2-Qua server start tomorow 2013-07-05 17:00 GMT+2 Time ! L2 Qua server unique, come and play :)

    Server special commands:

    .rewardme (buff for vote coins)
    .pvpinfo (character pvp information)
    .castlemanager (Castle siege registration)
    .sms (write sms to someone)
    .read (read sms)
    .sellbuffs (sell buffs to other players)


    Castle War
    Poloponnesian War
    Castle War
    Team versus Team
    Death Match
    Treasure Chest
    Protect The Lord

    Special Coins:

    Clan reputation coin (adds 1000 clan reputation)
    Donator Coin (2.5x Better drop, special chat with ~)
    Raid Coins (Special coin from Raid Bosses)
    PvP Coin (Special coin from every PvP/Pk)

    Server Armors:

    1Lv - Dynasty Armor
    2Lv - Gold/Silver Vesper Armor
    3Lv - Ixion Armor

    Server Weapons:

    1Lv - Dynasty Weapons
    2Lv - Bloody Aramanthine Weapons
    3Lv - L2Qua Weapons


    1Lv - Tattos
    2Lv - Tattos
    3Lv - Tattos


    Angel Wings
    Fallen Angel Wings
    Gargoyle Wings
    Chaos Wings
    Eva Wings
    Netherworld Wings
    Succubus Wings
    Paskutinį kartą redagavo: daumis269 4 Liepos 2013 - 10:30
    4 Liepos 2013 - 10:29 / #1