Sveiki. Taigi kaip jau pastebejote startavo musu AVD serveris. Na Online nesusilaukeme didelio 80-100 on. Del pagrindines klaidos: mazai reklamos! Tiesiog visi pinigai buvo sudeti i serverius apsaugas,tinklapi,failus ir t.t Todel reklamai nekaska ir beliko,tai reiskia kad atejo laikas mums ieskoti remejo. Nes be jo isiversti bus tikrai gan sunku.
Stai pristatysime savo planus.
Projektas pradzioje tures 3 serverius dabar jie yra jau pratestuoti ir pilnai paruosti startui. Serveriu tipai: MID,AVD,PVP Veliau pateiksime daugiau informacijos apie pacius serverius. Apsaugos ir visa kita yra jau senei nupirkta ir isbandyta,todel del luzinejimu bedu tikrai nekils. Kur mes desime investuojamus pinigus? Praktiskai visus pinigus desime i projekto reklama,kad sulaukti kuo daugiau online. Pagrindinai reklama pirksime brazilijoje,lenkijoje,graikijoje ir kituose pagrindiniuose l2 supportuose. Kokia remejui nauda? Sitas dalykas istikrujiu yra aptarinejamas privaciai,atsizvelgiant kiek zmogus gali i tai investuoti. Bet esminis dalykas tas kad bus sutartas kaskoks % nuo pacio projekto pelno (kai atsipirks remejo inasas).
Stai informacija apie serverius: (Jie jau paruosti startui)
SERVER RATES: Xp x65. Sp x65. Party XP and SP: x1.50. Drop: x25. Spoil: x25. Quest: x10. Adena: x50.< RaidBoss Drop: x30. ENCHANT RATES: Enchant Max = +16. Enchant Safe = +4. Simple Enchant Rates = 60%. Bessed Enchant Rates = 65%. Crystal Enchant Rates = 65%. EPIC BOSS: Valakas 96+2. Antharas 96+2. Frintezza 48+2. Baium 48+2. Zaken 40+2. Orfen 20+2. Core 33+2. Ant Queen 24+2. Barakiel 5 All others raid boss respawn time: 12+6. Life Stone: Life Stone = 10% Mid-Grade Life Stone = 15%. High-Grade Life Stone = 25%. Top-Grade Life Stone = 30%. OLYMPIAD: Olympiad system Every 1 Weeks (Full Working), Retail Olympiad. Olympiad start 15:00 and end 24:00. Heroes Change Friday 10:00.
SERVER FEATURES: Main town Giran. Buff slot'as: 28 (26+4) [Debuffs not using buff slot]. 7Signs teleporter. GM-shop till weapon B grade/ armor B grade and jewel B grade. Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Auto events: TvT, CTF, DM. (with vote system). Offline Trading/Crafting. Auto learn skills. Single Duel, Party duel. Balanced Classes & Skills. Buff time: 2h. Komercion Geodata ! Full working.( Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah). Mammons without 7signs period . Working Four Selpucher. Full Working Rift. Class Auto (20,40,76 LvL Table). SubClass (No quest). Max sub class number = 3 Working augment system. Working Epic bosses / Raid bosses. Working Forts , Clan Halls. And much more. SERVER COMMANDS: .online - Check out how many people are playing now. .menu - Server Menu.
Client: Lineage II INTRLUDE(c6) Style: My Town Dion. Style: Goods vs Evil. Auto Zone's Changed every 30 Minutes New Zone 11 maps. In The End of Zone the Faction with The Most PvP kills Will rewarded. Starting Adena (0). Spawn Protection 20sec. Starting Level (78). Anti Heavy System, Dagger, tyrant, and bow classes won't be able to equip heavy type armours. Adena can be earned by killing other faction members or being best player of the round. Skill Points (needed to enchant your skills and to rise your clan level) can be received by capturing flags. Faction Points can be received in many ways too - pvp, ctf. Adena rewards on pvp is multipled by flags count which belongs to your faction. If your faction have two flags then reward will be = 5 Adena. Adena rewards also will be increased if your clan owns the one of three castles. You can play with dualbox, but if your box character will be in your party, he won't receive any reward. We have protections against pvp farm, so don't worry about perfect gameplay. Clan Hall Sieges Castle Sieges (Only 3 Castles). Chaos Event superhaste 3 LvL,3 minutes. Max Level 80. MidSkillChance 10%,HighSkillChance 13%,TopSkillChance 22%. FactionEnchantScrollsDropChance 6%. Wepon Augmentations. command .points,Alt B,.online,.mapinfo. Dueling System. Hero aura kills 6. Anti-Farm PvP from same IP. Event. Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes. Active and experienced development/GMteam!. International community. 38 Buff Slots. Cat and Horse buff selft. CUSTOM NPC'S. Full GM Shop. Full Buffer. Global Gate Keeper. Skill Enchanter Manager. Augmenter. Class Manager. Weding Manager. Faction Manager. Enchant rates Safe Enchant: +4. Weapon Max Enchant: +12. Armor Max Enchant: +12. Jewels Max Enchant: +12. Normal/Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 80%.
Informacija dar nera pilnai pateikiama bet isvardinsiu pagrindinius dalykus.
Balsavimas uz PvP zona (prabalsavus uz 1 is 8 zonu ji pasikeicia) Auto flag PvP zonoje Jokiu custom ar tatto Unikaliai kurti mobai Nuo 76 Lvl xp begaunate tik is PvP Raidbosai spawninasi tik is specialiu itemu Mobai dropina enchantintus itemus Max enchant +18 Chance Bleesed: 74% Vote sistema Visi unikalus NPC Idomesne padaryta olympiada Ir daug kitu naujoviu kurias isvysite netrukus.
Stai ir visa informacija apie dabartinius serverius. Tikimes kad jums patiko,o norincius bendradarbiauti su mumis. Susisiekite nurodytais kontaktais arba palidami savo. Musu projekto tinklapis: (nepilnas dar tera ikeltas)
Skype: kareckys
P.S Jai galite nesiukslinkite sito forumo beverciomis zinutemis. Nebent turite kaskokia ideja ar klaidos pastebejima musu serveryje. Aciu uz Suprantinguma.