1. Padarius champion, mobai turėtu būtį stipresni, bet kažkodėl man taip nėra jie dar susilpnėja, o dropas daug didesnis nei iš paprasto mobo.
# =========================================================== #
# Champion mobs #
# Turns random mobs into Champions #
# =========================================================== #
# Enable Champions L2JMod
ChampionEnable = True
# Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) - 0 to disable
ChampionFrequency = 5
# Min and max lvl allowed for a mob to be champion.
ChampionMinLevel = 20
ChampionMaxLevel = 85
# Hp multiplier
ChampionHp = 8
# Hp Regen Multiplier
ChampionRegenHp = 1.
# Rewards multiplier
ChampionRewards = 8
# Adenas & seal stones rewards multiplier
ChampionAdenasRewards = 1
# Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patk & matk)
ChampionAtk = 1.
# Spd Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patkspd & matkspd)
ChampionSpdAtk = 1.
# Chance to obtain a specified reward item from a higher lvl champion (in percents) default is off using glittering medal as reward
ChampionRewardItem = 0
# Specified reward item ID
ChampionRewardItemID = 6393
# Specified reward item quantity
ChampionRewardItemQty = 1
# Champion Mob Custom Title
ChampionTitle = Champion
2.Gal galit primint kaip zone.xml faile padaryti, mirus atsirastum Main Town. Reikia koordinates kažkures pakeist tik nepamenu.
3. Dėl augmentacijos. Kaip padaryti, kad būtų tokie % ls-1,mid-3,high-8,top-15%, kad gausi kažkokį aug.
Ar per confing įmanoma padaryti, kad aug galėtu tik 1 turėti.
# --------------------------
# Augmentation -
# --------------------------
# Chance to get a skill
# Default: 15, 30, 45, 60
AugmentationNGSkillChance = 1
AugmentationMidSkillChance = 3
AugmentationHighSkillChance = 8
AugmentationTopSkillChance = 15
# Chance to get a base stat
# Default: 1
AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1
# Chance to get the glow
# Note:
# No Grade / Mid Grade not have emission
# Default: 0, 40, 70, 100
AugmentationNGGlowChance = 1
AugmentationMidGlowChance = 3
AugmentationHighGlowChance = 8
AugmentationTopGlowChance = 15
# Augments Active and Passive skills delete on change weapon
Čia tam, kad aug 1 tik galėtum turėti????DeleteAgmentPassiveEffectonchangeWep=true
Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 13 Vasario 2014 - 22:00