# This option, when set to True, will enable automatically picking up items.
# If set False it will force the player to pickup dropped items from mobs.
# This excludes herbs mentioned above and items from Raid/GrandBosses with minions.
# Default: False
AutoLoot = true
# This option, when set to True, will enable automatically picking up items from Raid/GrandBosses with minions.
# If set False it will force the player to pickup dropped items from bosses.
# This excludes herbs mentioned above and items from mobs.
# Default: False
AutoLootRaids = false
# Delay for raid drop items loot privilege
# Require Command Channel , check next option
# Value is in seconds
# Default: 900 (15min)
RaidLootRightsInterval = 900
# Minimal size of Command Channel for apply raid loot privilege
# Default: 45
RaidLootRightsCCSize = 45
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