Go to Eclipse Found this :
Found :
- final PlayerRace npcRace = getVillageMasterRace();
- final ClassType npcTeachType = getVillageMasterTeachType();
+ getVillageMasterRace();
+ getVillageMasterTeachType();
Next Remove That :
-if(npcRace == PlayerRace.Human || npcRace == PlayerRace.LightElf)
- {
- // If the master is human or light elf, ensure that fighter-type
- // masters only teach fighter classes, and priest-type masters
- // only teach priest classes etc.
- if(!availSub.isOfType(npcTeachType))
- {
- availSubs.remove(availSub);
- }
- else if(!availSub.isOfRace(PlayerRace.Human) && !availSub.isOfRace(PlayerRace.LightElf))
- {
- availSubs.remove(availSub);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // If the master is not human and not light elf,
- // then remove any classes not of the same race as the master.
- if(npcRace != PlayerRace.Human && npcRace != PlayerRace.LightElf && !availSub.isOfRace(npcRace))
- {
- availSubs.remove(availSub);
- }
- }