Antharas respawn

  1. Atsijungęs


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    kodel as visada perestartaves serva man game consoleje raso update anthatras 0 update antharas 2 paskuj vel update antharas 0 irtep tris kartus.nueinu pas anthara parodo filmuka kad jis yra pasibaigia filmukas pradingsta jis vsio o raid boss info rodo kad alive
    jo settings

    # -----------------
    # Antharas -
    # -----------------
    # If true, the Interlude Script is used, meanwhile if you want new
    # script feature (different Antharas Instances since weak to strong
    # Antharas as for Freya) just set false
    AntharasOldScript = true
    # Time to close the entrance after the first teleport the player.
    # The value in seconds.
    AntharasClose = 1200
    # Time to wait until Antharas despawn without fighting it. Value in minutes.
    # Time Antharas respawn after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:
    # The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.
    # Value in hours.
    AntharasRespFirst = 2
    AntharasRespSecond = 0
    # Wait minutes
    AntharasWaitTime = 1
    # Antharas Power Multipler
    # Default 1.0=retail
    3 Sausio 2014 - 14:33 / #1
  3. Atsijungęs


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    "dėkuj,kad paaiškinot"
    5 Sausio 2014 - 14:56 / #2
  5. Atsijungęs


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    nebereik sustvarkiau
    5 Sausio 2014 - 15:26 / #3