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L2jOrion Rev 27

Interlude » Interlude java serveriai
L2jOrion Rev 27

New updates:

- Re-worked castle siege guards AI system. Old system had lots issues and made a lag for players in the some castles.
- Re-worked entire system and fixed characters movement to in/out the boat. Added all L2OFF system messages, routes and etc. Totally re-worked from core side with L2BoatAI, L2Vehicle, vehicle stats and fully updated client/server packets
- Class Master updates: added lvl checking on the class change and heal's config.,
- Geo-engine: a little more corrections for better performance.,
- Fixed a bug report: (Server w/o Auto Learn skill) For Example: If you have toggle Skill LvL1 in USE, and learn LvL2, then you cant shut down Skill (and still is use lvl1) Only RR help.
- Re-worked character movement in the water. Fixed falling damage and hard dipping. This issue worked mostly in catacomb or necropolis when character moves in/out, because of geo-data.
- Updated synchronization system between clientserver.
- Updated character update position system.
- Updated geo-engine system.

Old Updates:

Here some updates which were made before openning project.

- Fully re-worked geo-engine and this system works very similar to L2OFF or even better, because i made it with a little bit bigger distance for smart AI (Artificial Intelligence) walking for everyone.
- Re-worked skills system, corrected skills - formulas, conditions, effects and etc. (Core side/Data-Pack), added a some new types of skills. Also, some skills couldn't work on the grand bosses and the simple bosses.Fixed wrong information of skils in data-pack side.
- Re-worked zones system and their types. Better performance for movement inside same and different id/types of zones. Old system had many problem and most with enter/exit from zone.
- Re-worked game controller system (added a new one and better).
- Re-worked AI system and made them smarter than was before with some additional options inside database (npc_ai_data table). Also, they can move forward and backward around all objects nicely by geo-data.
- Re-worked Monastery of Silence, before it had some discrepancies to L2OFF and mobs didn't work as they should.
- Re-worked Catacomb/Necropolis system with their mobs AI.
- Re-worked The Seven Sing system, fixed many bugs and i made it similar to L2OFF.
- Checked and corrected the biggest part of all mobs and their drop. Updated/Corrected location (for example mobs inside wall and in other any wrong location).
- Fixed The Community Board.
- Fixed The Mail system.
- Re-worked The Grand/Simple Bosses system.
- Created and Added the unique player commands like .menu with our settings, .sub, .class, .setlvl, .boss and etc.
- Re-worked The Four Sepulchers system and fixed some exploits.
- Re-worked Fishing system.
- Re-worked Clan and clan halls system.
- Re-worked Day/Night spawn manager.
- Updated many instances and models for better performance. - Fixed small bugs and exploits.
- Re-worked knownlist and L2 World system.
- Re-worked The Olympiad system.

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13 Birželio 2022 20:46

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Autorius: nickpas

24 Liepos 2022 12:11


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